James Cassells, drummer van Asking Alexandria is verloofd!

Geschreven door op 17 januari 2017 om 19:07
James Cassells (Asking Alexandria)- Foto: Silwia Sarama - Bron: Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

James Cassells’ vriendin Brandi was jarig en kreeg voor haar verjaardag van vriendlief een weekendje Denver. Wat ze niet wist is dat er daar nog een verrassing op haar te wachten stond!

James Cassells en Brandi verloofd

Via social media lieten ze beide weten dat James Brandi ten huwelijk had gevraagd! Bekijk hier de posts van het blije koppel!

Happy birthday Brandi:

Birthday celebrations have begun and holy crap my heart is exploding with love for my family and friends who have contributed to making it special and letting me know that I’m loved. I feel so fucking blessed to have such an amazing bestie! Check out these cute ass balloons and cupcakes @marissa_moura got me ?? not to mention the most amazing? make up and a bad ass unicorn onesie which I will defo be rocking during my birthday trip to Denver that @cassells has planned. I love you two with all my heart!! Y’all know me so well ?? T minus 6 hours until I’m officially 26 and T minus 13 hours until take off ???

Fun trip to Denver:

Happy Birthday to me ?? of course the first thing I want to check out is a dispensary upon arrival to the mile high city. Thank you @cassells for this awesome vacation!! It’s gonna be sooooo much fun ? Gonna party Snoop Dogg style ??

Bron: Instagram, Twitter

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